
免疫疗法杀癌 减副作用 晴报
靶向治疗与免疫治疗成为治疗癌症「第三驾马车」 北京新浪网
罕见基因病 治疗费500万 有线新闻
治疗末期黑色素癌 免疫疗法创生机 苹果日报


梁宪孙医生 抗癌之战 AM730
干细胞治疗 骨骼可重生 东方日报
‘Miracle’ stem cell therapy reverses multiple sclerosis The Telegraph
Human stem cells repair damage caused by radiation therapy for brain cancer in rats Science Daily
星国被判死 来台寻医 癌症免疫疗法救2人 苹果日报
Cancer’s Super-Survivors Wall Street Journal
癌症免疫疗法概览 bio360.net
癌症治疗新曙光 - 免疫疗法 头条日报
Paralysis reversed: Man walks again after revolutionary transplant fusing nose cells in spine SCMP
From Stem Cells to Billions of Human Insulin-producing Cells Technology Networks (UK)
美国专家研究免疫疗法治癌 有线新闻
糖尿病人福音 治疗法有突破 Yahoo News HK
New Type of Therapy For Cancer Gets Boost Wall Street Journal
Bone paste could provide treatment for ostoeporosis Daily Mail
Cord blood gives 3-year-old with cerebral palsy hope The Straits Times 
Stiff Person Syndrome Treated With Stem Cell Transplantation Helps Two Women Achieve Remission Medical Daily
Stem cells show promise in stroke recovery  BBC News
干细胞可治中风瘫痪  苹果日报
Stem cell research could lead to new muscle repair treatments CTV News
干细胞治疗膝盖受伤Stem Cell Operation treat knee injuries The Guardian
免疫治疗癌症Patient's Immune System Harnessed to Attack Cancer The Wall Street Journal
干细胞医药是新兴的产业 香港文汇报
心脏损坏可修复吗Can heart attack damage be reversed? CNN
利用干细胞治疗受伤跟腱 TVB News
迪马利亚干细胞疗伤 赶决赛复出 信报财经新闻
爱女罹2癌 叶爸病房外住146天 中时电子报(台湾)
免疫疗法配合癌症治疗更有效脐带血移植治疗挽救生命Combination immune therapies succeed better in cancer treatment BioSpectrum Asia
$15 Million Award to Go Toward Exploring New Treatments for Autism, Other Brain Disorders Duke Medicine
澳大徐仁和教授科研突破 有望治疗多发性硬化症 力报(exmoo.com)
脐带血移植治疗挽救生命 Umbilical cord transplants saving lives ABC7 Los Angeles
血癌女换骨髓八年 盼□工自食其力 苹果日报
婴儿用自身血液医治大脑麻痹 Could babies fight cerebral palsy with their own blood? Herald Sun
子宫颈癌完全击退 都市日报
免疫治疗证实对癌病有帮助 Immunotherapy shows promise for cancer patients NYDailyNews.com
Recent scientific advances are giving hope to spinal cord injury patients SCMP
New therapy wipes out cervical cancer in two women Medical Xpress
New Immunotherapy Drug Data Show Promise in Treating Cancer WSJ
Burrillville’s Tyler Seddon, 7, prepares for marrow transplant in his fight against leukemia The Providence Journal
城大?治白血病 新报
Meet the Doctor Who 'Fixed' Bartolo WSJ
Amazing news on Immune Cells Therapy WSJ
Patient’s Cells Deployed to Attack Aggressive Cancer The New York Times
干细胞疗法治心脏衰竭有重大进展 法新社
皮肤细胞培植出干细胞 组织器官再生有望 苹果日报
Newsletter - Apr 2014 : Cord Blood Stem Cell Infusion for Children with Acquired Hearing Loss Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation
注射造血干细胞改善中风症状 苹果日报
自体血干移植治癌 九东轮候期减至1月 明报
血液干细胞移植 癌患延寿两年 晴报
HK doctors hope stem cell treatment will ease boy's pain SCMP on 13.8.2012
DCRC cures six blood disorders through stem cell transplant The Gulf Today, Dubai
Umbilical Cord Draws Focus From More Scientists Seeking Cures Wall Street Journal
BBC DaraOBriains Science Club BBC
Emily's Story: A Young Girl Beats Cancer with Immunotherapy CancerResearchInst
Liposuction creates blood vessels for heart surgery BioSpectrum Asia
Liposuction Fat Turned Into Stem Cells, Study Says National Geographic News


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